Older Adults and Firearms

Access of older adults, particularly those with dementia, to firearms is a public health concern we don't talk about -- so I was very glad earlier this month to have the opportunity to present with David Hoffman, JD, FCPP as part of Drexel University's Thomas R. Kline School of Law Vital Signs (Conversations about Healthcare and the Law) series. Thanks to Professor Elizabeth Kukura for inviting us and to the participants for the great questions asked. Also, thanks to Emmy Betz MD MPH, Joseph Simonetti, and University of Colorado Firearm Injury Prevention Initiative for all of the great work that they're doing in the area -- check out the great resources from them: https://firearmlifeplan.org/ and https://safetyindementia.org/

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Weill Cornell Medicine Rosen Lab 525 East 68th Street, Room M130 New York, NY 10065 Phone: (212) 746-0780