As part of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing efforts, the WHO recently released a database of promising interventions to prevent and respond to the abuse of older people. The database can be found here. It represents the first step in the process of developing an intervention accelerator. The global community is recognizing how important this issue is, and our team was honored that our Vulnerable Elder Protection Team (VEPT) program was included as 1 of 89 programs worldwide and 47 in the US featured in the WHO database.
Our program is grateful for the contributions and support of Michael Stern, Mary Mulcare, Risa Breckman, LCSW, Mark Lachs, Veronica LoFaso, Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, Julio Urbina, Lauren Weisenfeld, The John A. Hartford Foundation, Marie-Therese Connolly, New York State Office of Victim Services, Karl Pillemer, Elizabeth Bloemen, MD, MPH, Rahul Sharma, MD, MBA, FACEP, Michelle Sullivan, MMS, PA-C, Morgan Pearman, Daniela Paladino, Jennine McAuley, Chloe Pino, Kelly Brissenden, Gwen Hobson, Elaine Gottesman, Danny Baek, Iggy E-Shien Chang, PhD, MA, David Hancock, Amy Shaw, Matthew Laghezza, M.S., M.B.A., PA-C, Dan Lindberg, Sarah Tietz, Neal Flomenbaum, MD, FACP, FACEP, Laura Mosqueda, Terry Fulmer, lisa Rachmuth, Bess White, Cory Henkel, Page Ulrey, Nancy Needell, Nisha Mehta-Naik, Junaid Razzak, Beth Tancredi Chunn, and others. Thank you to the WHO team leading this project: Christopher Mikton, Marie Beaulieu, David Burnes, Wan-Yuen Choo, Jeffrey Herbst, Karl Pillemer, Yongjie Yon, World Health Organization #elderabuse #eldermistreatment
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